Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs

by Mar 9, 2020Women In Business

Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs

Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs

Today, I started my day with Beyonce’s iconic lyrics, “Who runs the world? Girls.” Today is going to be a good day. This International Women’s Day, we are celebrating women entrepreneurs. With so much heart and power behind brands, we’re grateful to partner with awesome women entrepreneurs. Read on to celebrate strides businesswomen are making:

To Start

Before we go any further, if you ever need a mood boost, listen to this Girl Power Anthems playlist on Spotify. These songs will get your blood pumping & energy up for a great day.

How great is it that we can celebrate movements to empower women!? #MeToo and #TimesUp have made international headlines and sweeping strides for women everywhere. In a country where women can vote and are empowered, we’re proud to fund & partner with women entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, even among victories & movements promoting social change, every day is still a fight for equality. But women are not knocked down easily, and they don’t give up easily, either.

Stats to Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs

Women are leading the next generation. The strides we’re making together speak for themselves. Check out these Unconventional Women Entrepreneurs Statistics in 2020. Let’s speak to the strength of America’s women:

  • Women own 12.3 million businesses in the US or 42% of all US businesses!
  • 47% of businesses were started by women last year, compared to 44% for men
  • California ranks highest for the proportion of women-owned businesses in the US at 1.3 million
  • Texas has 860,000 and growing women-owned businesses
  • In the US more than 1,200 new businesses are started by women every single day
  • Women-owned businesses generate 1.9 trillion dollars in revenue!

These statistics for women entrepreneurs are astonishing. Women entrepreneurs have made leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. Yet, we still have a long way to go.

One of the biggest issues, highlighted in this infographic, is that women struggle to obtain funding for their business. Women’s lower funding percentage is caused by a number of factors including women being more conservative in the amount they ask for. As women become increasingly bold in their ask, funding numbers will also increase. Read on to get more answers on how to get business funding.

Continuing the Movement

Women will not stop making strides until the glass ceiling is shattered. The exponential growth over the past two decades indicates that there’s something even bigger for female entrepreneurs on the horizon.

Women will not stop making strides until the glass ceiling is shattered.

Women are great at supporting one another. We love celebrating organizations that are helping women start and grow their businesses. Currently, we’re compiling a list of women-led organizations to promote and empower. If you own or know of a great woman-owned company, send us a quick email to be included in our next women’s resource list.

When women succeed, we all succeed! Closing the gender wage gap will feed our American economy and create more jobs to fight unemployment in the US. The exciting news is on the horizon!

To the women of the business world, we salute you. We’re here to partner with you and empower you with all your business needs.